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  • Thank you for your interest in supporting the formation of the ZIM US Family Federal Credit Union. Your generosity plays a crucial role in helping us establish this financial institution that will benefit our community. To learn more about the application for the Proposed Zim Fam Federal Credit Union formation background please visit our Proposed Federal Credit Union page


  • To comply with the guidelines set by the United States National Credit Union Administration, we are collecting capital in the form of donations. Your support is essential in helping us meet the necessary financial requirements for the chartering process. Your donation is voluntary, and no individual will be treated differently based on the amount they contribute or their decision not to donate.


  • Operating a credit union requires financial resources. To ensure the success of forming the proposed ZUF Federal Credit Union we are required to raise 10% of our projected revenue as part of the requirements to be granted approval for operating. We rely on donations like yours to cover the initial capital costs involved in setting up and running the proposed credit union. Your contribution, whether a one-time donation of $200 or more, or a recurring monthly beyond the initial $200 , will make a significant impact. Click here to learn more about why the NCUA stipulated that we call your contribution a donation.


  • 10% of projected revenue is needed as proof of capital funds (separate from startup-costs). We are projecting 1 million in revenue within 3 to 5 years on our application.


  • Initial contributions are needed to reach minimum of 100k in 2024: with a onetime $200 per person contribution which will count towards your membership & additional services in 2025.


  • Once credit union is approved for operation in 2025, all donors can apply into the chartered credit union and must meet field of membership as founding members and will have access to products offered. 

  • Once you make your donation, a letter acknowledging your contribution will be sent to you. This letter will also outline the future benefits of being a part of the future ZUF Federal Credit Union and explain what we will propose to the NCUA through the charter for when the federal credit union is operational. Your support is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to building a stronger financial future for our community together.


  • Thank you for being a part of this journey towards establishing the proposed ZUF Federal Credit Union.

Proposed ZUF Federal Credit Union
Capital  Fundraising 

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